My first love was Joey McIntyre of NKOTB. I made Tommy go through a sea of chicks (which landed him a date, by the way) to get me tickets to their concert. I'll have you know I was one hot 6th grader sporting an LA Gear white denim skirt, the matching half jacket and a side pony. Oh I rocked the 80s, baby. I had older sisters to help me with the trends.
I finally got around to checking out
Summertime on YouTube. There's a part of me that wished I left it at the small segment I saw on Best Week Ever, now. My childhood feels a little shattered. There's something about seeing Donnie, Joey, Jordan, Jon and Danny get overtly sexual that just doesn't work for me. They all looked a tad lecherous, as we know they are fathers, married, 35 and older skanking it up with 18-20ish women in the video. Seeing Joey stroke the arm of bikini-clad squirmer and singing about feeling her "soaking wet" body made my nose crinkle all on its own. It just doesn't work. It's not sexy, at all. Just weird.
And what is with Donnie over-describing clothing? "Flip-flops, half shirts, short shorts, miniskirt, strapless sundress..." Besides lame songwriting, what is that all about? It sounds like he's a few potatoes short of clothing stew. In general, I am not a Wahlberg family fan - ever since Marky Mark glared at me the day before my wedding because I dared to look at him I just can't seem to like either of them. They look a lot alike and this grudge runs deep. So there.
I WILL say that Joey is still the cutest. That means all you Joey-lovers from '88, like me, have great taste. They are still hiding Danny in the videos... Poor guy! Check out the video, if you're tough enough... (Oh oh oh oh oh OH!)