Does this look like the face of a coward? I read something this morning that convinced me that, at times, it is indeed the face of a person lacking boldness.
He Proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ - with all boldness and without hindrance!
Acts 228:30-31
Paul is a man, a disciple, on fire. He keeps on going, even in the face of certain doom. He never waivers. He is bold and speaks with absolute authority. It amazes me that he was never defeated by circumstance.
We have this same exact strength in us. We have the absolute ability to speak with boldness, with authority and without apology. We have this in us, but why don't we use it? What is our biggest hurdle? Offending someone? Being uncomfortable? Why do was fall into society's trap of political correctness? Don't say that - you'll offend someone! Don't think that way - it's narrow! We have millions of people telling us not to say anything, because it might be offensive to someone else who doesn't believe in Christ. I say - good! Those are the people who need to hear it. Why is it okay for everything un-Christian to be shoved down my throat, but I am not allowed to speak-up in defense of Jesus' way? If these people spreading lies about a better life can have a booming voice - let's make ours heard, as well. I'm going to stop cowering from speaking up for my savior. After all, he wasn't timid about saving us.