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Does this look like the face of a coward? I read something this morning that convinced me that, at times, it is indeed the face of a person lacking boldness.

He Proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ - with all boldness and without hindrance!
Acts 228:30-31

Paul is a man, a disciple, on fire. He keeps on going, even in the face of certain doom. He never waivers. He is bold and speaks with absolute authority. It amazes me that he was never defeated by circumstance.

We have this same exact strength in us. We have the absolute ability to speak with boldness, with authority and without apology. We have this in us, but why don't we use it? What is our biggest hurdle? Offending someone? Being uncomfortable? Why do was fall into society's trap of political correctness? Don't say that - you'll offend someone! Don't think that way - it's narrow! We have millions of people telling us not to say anything, because it might be offensive to someone else who doesn't believe in Christ. I say - good! Those are the people who need to hear it. Why is it okay for everything un-Christian to be shoved down my throat, but I am not allowed to speak-up in defense of Jesus' way? If these people spreading lies about a better life can have a booming voice - let's make ours heard, as well. I'm going to stop cowering from speaking up for my savior. After all, he wasn't timid about saving us.


early start

Good morning Bloggers! I have been up since 4:30 AM and 3.5 hours later, I feel like I finally figured out the correct time to get up in the morning to have enough time to get everything done that I need to get done before I start to work.

I just wanted to post a note of thanksgiving to Christ for making it possible to have the kind of relationship we have with God. I also want to thank him for answered prayers - Rebekah's latest counts indicate that the cancer is gone. That is great news! I know this is not the end of a long road for her and her family, but it's a GREAT SIGN from God. Answered prayers are a beautiful thing.


you know what sucks?

Waiting for Tivo to get us to a point in 24 when it's safe to watch without running into commercials. What's going to happen tonight? Who's Jack going to torture oby carving out their ocular cavity? I wonder if Jack is going to die this season - but don't worry fans, he's died many times. He'll be back. Jack will always be back.

I heart Jack Bauer!

Yeah... It's been a long day. I'm only posting so you don't have to stare at that fugly photo of me from the last post. You can thank me later.


lesson three

That is my face every time I read a message from one of you people being mean and constantly mentioning my absence in the blogmosphere (Ricky!). Scary, aren't I? Yeah! You better back off! For those of you whom have noticed my absence but have said nothing, I truly appreciate it. I did receive a lovely message from Darlene in query of my missingness (which I just remembered is still in my "need to respond" mail folder - sorry!).

I am sorry that I have been MIA, again, dear blogdom. I have no real excuse, other than having an extremely busy schedule. I can't seem to find time to figure out how to balance my hectic week, let along try and squeeze in a little post here and there. I have missed you, but just because I'm not posting does not mean that I am not checking in on all y'all.

For those of you who wanted to know the remaining 3 lessons I have learned, thus far, in my business venture... I decided I will drag them out over the next few posts. Lesson three is simple: do not tell anyone there will be no further charges, as long as any future changes are minor. I have a contract that more clearly defines how charges will be assessed, but early in my business I made this mistake and it has bit me in the butt more times than I can mention - and that's just one client. No worries, my friends, she realized on her own that asking me to do TWO redesigns, after approving a design, must not be minor changes. I am happy to make said changes, but am NOT happy to not be compensated for those hours. The whole thing worked itself out, but not without me feeling a ton of resentment and irritation before that. Part two of lesson three is: speak up for yourself and your business.

Now, I'm off to clean the house before my hubby comes home. Smooches!