what's a matter with Johnson?
"He's a BUM!"
That's the sound of a good baseball game. You don't get to hear much heckling at SBC Park, because most of the patrons of a Giants game (I do not dare to call all of them fans) are too busy coveting their clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl to bother with getting into the game. For the record, any food other than peanuts, Cracker Jacks and hot dogs are not an American way to enjoy the game. Last night, though, the bleachers were alive with the heckling of the Padres' Left-Fielder, Johnson. It was endless and I think they actually cracked him, because he kept looking back at them.
Justin and I got some free tickets to last night's game against the Padres. Lucky for us - it was Bonds' first night back. I could tell he was happy to be back because he actually ran after balls coming to left field. He usually saunters towards them and casually picks up the ball after it's already bounced on the field. For such an amazing slugger, he sure can be lazy in the outfield. But last night he was really into the game. He even saved a ball coming to center field - which is way out of character for him. We thought we might witness homerun 704, but it ended-up being a ground-rule double. Props to the fan in the bleachers that snached it up.
We had great tickets. 18 rows from Barry. That's left field at SBC Park, don't you love how Justin cut off my head in the picture? The best part: it was the first Monday Night Football, and the BART train was pretty empty, because most sports fans are glued to their TVs from September through January on Monday nights. Not me. I do not watch football and I am very proud of it. So fellas, don't bother with the hate comments. I am a girl and therefore allowed not to be a football fan.
I think Bonds is a great hitter, roids or not, but I am not a Bonds' fan. He's nothing special in the outfeild, either. There is a rare ocasion where I find him to be actually trying to be a good outfeilder, but it's certainly not the majority of the time. He doesn't even seem like a very nice person.
Many times the opposing team's pitcher will intentionally walk Bonds. Last night, they did no such thing. However, they did walk Ray Durham - right after they struck-out Bonds. Justin noted how insulting that was and we enjoyed a good laugh about it.
I'm more of a JT Snow fan. How cute and heroic was it of him to save Dusty's kid from getting pummeled on the feild during the World Series? I mean, he got in a run and grabbed the kid from danger.
A few things:
1. I never even heard the word "saunters" before.
2. You like baseball? You wrote that like a dude would write it. That's cool.
3. How can you like baseball and not football? Are you serious Marla? Football is 25 times more exciting than baseball. Get off your high horse and give it a try before I start sending you inifinite angry faces.
1. Saunter:to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort.
2. Duh! I love baseball. And yes, I am cool.
3. See answer number 2. Besides, according to the last line of my post - I do not have to answer this question. But in fear of angry faces, i will say that football is far from exciting. It's predictable. People get too riled-up about it and it really gets under my skin. It annoys the heck out of me.
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