What American, who was alive for it, will ever forget the morning of September 11, 2001?
My dream on September 11, 2001: I was running through an empty house. Although I wasn't certain, I was pretty sure that the gray, shadowy and billowy figures behind me were ghosts. My nephew, Bobby, was inside somewhere. He was calling out to me so that I could find him faster. It seemed like a scary situation, but I wasn't afraid. I just wanted to find my frightened nephew. The hallways were endless and my legs grew tired as my countenance and bravado turned from hopeful to hopeless. Suddenly, what seemed like a thousand voices cried out. It was so loud, that I ducked, thinking it was an explosion. They screamed, not at me, but in fear and in horror. The sound swarmed around me - men and women screaming. Their words were inaudible, yet their terror was deafening.
I woke up right then. I woke up the moment before the alarm clock goes off and you actually hear it click over to the radio. Still panting from my dream, I was waiting to find releif and normalcy in an amusing conversation between the radio hosts. Instead I heard, "If you are just waking-up, the World Trade Center has been attacked by terrorists..." By the time I woke up, the first Tower had just collapsed. I will always wonder why that dream has remained with the memory of that horrible day. I will never forget the sound of the waling in my dreams.
Who will ever forget that day? Who will happen to see the Twin Towers in a movie or a TV rerun and gasp? Who can ever pass the Pentagon without remembering the huge flag they placed over the building? Who can forget the images of people jumping to their death, because they couldn't stand to be burned alive? Who will get on a plane and not see the results of that day all around them? Who will forget how errie it was not to see one plane in the sky for a few days? Who doesn't get misty-eyed every time you hear the Star Spangled Banner? People seemed to have forgotten - and forgotten why terror cannot last in this world that we share. I will never forget. Never.
Know that I am with you, Marla, and I, too, will never forget.
Beautiful, Marla. Thank you.
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Wow! And Amen- we must never forget and never let it be forgotten.
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