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barista ninjas

Jackson and I were chatting yesterday and he said the word "moola." That word cracks me up, just because I am so easily amused. I told Jackson that I would use that as my next Starbucks persona, because it really couldn't get any worse than Marta, Maria or Martha. So, I did it. I told them that my name was Moola. Although the girl, who has seen me come in many times, looked at my dubiously, she wrote it down.

And then I heard the words from behind the barista barrier, "A nonfat, extra hot, sugar-free vanilla latter for Mooma." Blink... Blink... At first I was confused, but not long after my drink was ready did I fall into bouts of giggles. What do you think? Are the steamers and grinders just too loud for our dear Starbucks crew? Or are they part of an elite class of folk who get hired on for their ability to drown out the noise, hear the drink order and not worry about the rest? I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter what name is on your cup as long as what's in it is correct. I am still baffled that my long list of hot beverage requirements makes it through the noisy room, unscathed. However, the one single, tiny-little word Marla, or Moola, cannot seem to survive. What is that all about?


At 8/05/2005 12:07 PM, Blogger Jackson Left a note...

One time when ordering at Starbuck's, Janelle's dad asked the lady if she had any dog biscuits, because he wanted to bring one home to Max, his dog. The cashier misheard him, and thought "dog biscuit" was the name he told her. So in their home, they now have a Starbuck's cup with "dog biscuit" written on it. I'll try to get a picture of it.

At 8/05/2005 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a note...


At 8/05/2005 1:31 PM, Blogger Ricky Left a note...

im lol'ing at jacksons story. and upset that im not getting 27 comments on each of my posts. im currently trying to figure that one out.

At 8/06/2005 10:06 PM, Blogger Darlene Schacht Left a note...

My friend and I used to love to leave odd names in places we knew they'd call out our name. It was fun just thinking of a new one each time we had the chance. Goodbye Mooma.

At 8/08/2005 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a note...

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At 8/08/2005 5:32 PM, Blogger Marla Bean Left a note...

Hello folks! Thanks for all the comments. What is with the anonymous spam comment? That sucks. Booo! I'll remove future posts of this nature, but this one is kinda funny.

At 8/19/2005 12:39 PM, Blogger Jeff H Left a note...

Next time, try "papa oom mow mow".


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