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I swear that all baristas cannot hear

I am so glad that Berla isn't my real name. I have to wonder if I look like a Berla. What about me would make someone think, " She must have said Berla!" I still find it amusing and will continue to share my Starbucks adventures avec the many names. Can I call this a misnomer? I think I should. In the meantime, could you order me a non-fat, sugar-free vanilla, extra hot latte?


At 4/26/2006 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a note...

Well, if you're my manager and you order me to...

At 4/26/2006 5:51 PM, Blogger Ricky Left a note...

You drink Starbucks a lot.

At 5/02/2006 1:26 PM, Blogger beccikruger Left a note...

So this must be a growing trend...they are even entering into sitcoms. I would have never laughed at it but after reading your comment I chuckled when I heard it happen on one of my shows...

At 5/22/2006 9:34 AM, Blogger Jeff H Left a note...

"Could you order me a non-fat, sugar-free vanilla, extra hot latte?"

Sure, thing, Berla. Comin' right up.


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