nothing to say, but that...
I told you Kevin would be voted off American Idol.
I think that Bucky should be the next one out on that show.
I am so tired and frustrated today, but I am getting more done than usual.
I am looking forward to 24, tonight.
I am fearfully awaiting my birthday, which will be the last of my twenties.
I want to go to Disneyland for our second anniversary.
I cannot make any travel decisions until I hear back from our accountant.
I am scared that I am going to lose my dad before he ever meets my children.
I am not doing so well in my daily Bible readings.
I am just "blah" today.
To all that I say, "So what." Tomorrow is another day. We all have days and weeks and months like that. Just remember that God has everything under control. Just don't lose sight of that.
My favorite bible verse, btw, is James 1:2-3. It pertains.
Love ya.
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It's 'bean' fun...
Back to the daily grind...