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this is why battlestar galactica...

Ends up at the top of our Netflix queue. Ok, so Justin ends up with some chick flicks, too, but man... You should see what I have to endure!


At 8/03/2006 2:48 PM, Blogger Jackson Left a note...

You should count your blessings. Battlestar Galactica is one of the best TV series of the past ten years, Sci-Fi or otherwise. Seriously, the name is about as lame as it gets but the show itself is freakin incredible. It's about the people dealing with stuff, not about cool laser guns.

At 8/03/2006 3:39 PM, Blogger Jesse and Melissa Left a note...

I like how guys try to sell shows to girls as being 'people dealing with stuff.' That may be true, and the show may be great, but what it comes down to is that we just want to see laser guns.

Gilmore Girls is about people dealing with stuff too, but not too many men like that.

At 8/04/2006 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a note...

Such animosity for a great series like BSG, but at the same time liking Firefly? Doesn't compute...I think my wife may be a Cylon.

At 8/04/2006 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous Left a note...

Oh yeah, and Robotech on VHS all day...Yeah, Mike wins the geek contest.


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