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tit for tat and tea bags

I am guilty; I leave old cups of coffee around.

I get up, pour myself some coffee and then proceed to do any number of morning activities. The cold mug, with a starburst of old cream in the middle, remains to be found later in the day... Sometimes they aren’t discovered until the next day. Hey, I didn’t say it wasn’t gross.

As of late, due to the afore mentioned flu, my mug litter has been those with soggy tea bags floating in the last two inches of cold, mint tea.

I giggle a little when Justin finds them and takes them to the sink, shuddering with repugnance. I guess this is my revenge for a stinky kitty box is in effect. The domestic life of the Tiptons will resonate with the ongoing argument of: No scoopy? No put away muggy!


At 10/19/2006 9:57 PM, Blogger Jen Left a note...

This is too too funny. This is my office. My officemate (and good friend) Joe is notorious for leaving 1/4 to 1/2 full cups of coffee around his desk area. They sit for an entire week, sometimes more. We joke that he learned this from our big boss (Kevin), who is also notorious for the gross coffee cups. Once, I was working at a random desk in our Tucson office that appeared to be ownerless, except for the gross coffee cups. Ahh, Kevin.


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