add to today's list: drive a designer insane
I seriously almost peed my pants reading THIS posting. The only thing I think the author forgot:
No. 9: Change Everything AFTER Final Approval
After you have already approved your proof, make sure to find a way to rearrange the whole project. This will cost you more, but it will certainly shorten the life of said bloodthirsty graphic designer and it will be worth the investment. Call your designer, preferably when he or she is sleeping or on vacation, and frantically demand more changes, even after your artwork has been submitted to printers and publications. When the designer starts to mumble some non-sense about "an approval processes" - ignore them. This is a common tactic they use to lure you into their evil ways. Instead, blame your graphic designer for all of the items that he or she should have instinctively known you would change, even after you approved the final piece. When in doubt, always point the finger back to your designer. After all, they know nothing but how to contemplate taking over the world.
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